

Welcome, dear readers, to the Spring 2023 issue of SquareTwo! We have an outstanding issue for your reading pleasure.

First, Sarah Coyne, Ashley LeBaron-Black, Jane Shawcroft, Megan Gale, J. Andan Sheppard, Chenae Christensen-Duerden, and Megan Van Alfen present “The Heavenly Mother Artwork Project.” This project aims to examine modern Latter-day Saint art on Heavenly Mother, qualitatively analyzing themes among the variety of depictions. We think our readers will find this a very impressive undertaking, and they will also be treated to images of some of the artwork as a bonus.

Second and third, Morgan Deane advances an argument that the Book of Mormon does not condemn preemptive war or strikes, and Mark Henshaw argues Deane is wrong. This is a most educational debate, undertaken by two brothers-in-the-Gospel who have each spent long years thinking deeply about these questions. If you want to see what a high-quality Gospel debate looks like, this is the pair of essays for you!

Fourth, Mike Huston asks whether priesthood or priesthood office circumscribes access to revelation, and concludes it does not. While the scope of our revelation may be determined by these things, our access is not. Thus, unlike all systems of organization in the fallen world, the concept of priesthood does not impose a hierarchy on the children of God.

Fifth, Gwendolyn Stevens Wyne tells an instructive story about what happened in her California ward during the Proposition 8 campaign of 2008, and what happened after it was over. How did her ward restore relationships torn during that time period? What is the intersection of truth and love?

Sixth, Don Norton, who edited several of the volumes in the FARMS series of Hugh Nibley’s work, explains what Hugh Nibley meant in his own life. His anecdotes about his relationship with Nibley make for fascinating reading.

Seventh, our wonderful book reviewer, B. Kent Harrison, reviews Brandon Dabling’s book, A New Birth of Marriage: Love, Politics, and the Vision of the Founders, which was published in 2022 by the University of Notre Dame Press. Do you know what the Founders had to say about marriage? What is the relationship between our republic and the vision of marriage its citizens hold? Dabling’s thoughts are well worth considering.

Eighth, we have a new Readers’ Puzzle. President Nelson has exhorted us to “Let God prevail” in our lives. Readers, please share with us your stories of how you are doing this, or how you are attempting to do this. We all need your inspiration!

Last, don’t forget our companion blog, The Latterday Crone, penned by our own V.H. Cassler which also features real-time commenting. Check it out for more of the SquareTwo experience you enjoy, now on a more frequent basis!

Enjoy this great new issue of SquareTwo!

Full Citation for this Article: Editorial Board, SquareTwo Journal (2023) "Editors’ Intro, Spring 2023," SquareTwo, Vol. 16 No. 1 (Spring 2023),, accessed <give access date>.

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