Welcome, dear readers, to SquareTwo's Summer 2011 issue! We're sure you are noticing our new look, which is brighter, fresher, and bolder than our previous website incarnation--make sure to check out our new homepage. We also have a great lineup for you in this issue, and the full table of contents can be found here.
First, Susan Madsen and her colleagues explore business ethics among employees of firms in Utah. How do they feel about corporate responsibility, for example? Does religion or gender make a difference in their attitudes on such matters? We think you'll be fascinated by their findings. Next up, Valerie M. Hudson tackles the curious appeal of Roman Catholicism for certain Latter-day Saint intellectuals. Is this appeal real, and why does it matter? Third, Thelma Young asks what is the cost of excluding women from the decision making table. Do deliberative groups work better when both halves of humanity are represented, and why should Latter-day Saints care about this? Fourth, Todd Mack of Stanford asks whether the withering of Humanities can be counteracted by having it climb down from the ivory tower and get out among people who may never step foot in that tower. Fifth, Rachel Cope of BYU discusses the significance of Camille Fronk Olsen's appointment as the very first female chair of the Department of Ancient Scripture. And finally, we offer the comments to our Readers' Puzzle on preconception selection. While the LDS could not countenance the abortion of a fetus that does not have a condition that would prevent it from surviving birth (even if the fetus had a condition that would certainly alter its life), could LDS persons countenance selecting against the conception of persons with life-altering disease conditions? We have also published a comment by Roy Zwahlen to Steve Cranney's piece on the educational ambitions (or lack thereof) of BYU coeds.
Because of recent news events, we are also posting our Readers' Puzzle for the Fall 2011 issue now. What if polygamist Kody Brown's lawsuit to overturn laws on polygamy is looked upon favorably by the US Supreme Court--how would the LDS Church react to the quest to legalize polygamy, or the eventual legalization of that practice? We are hoping our readers will submit their best thoughts before November, when the Fall issue will go live. And, as always, if you would like to submit an article for consideration, we'd be delighted to receive it.
Happy reading!
Full Citation for this Article: Editorial Board (2011) "Editors' Introduction to the Summer 2011 Issue of SquareTwo," SquareTwo, Vol. 4 No. 2 (Summer), http://squaretwo.org/EditorIntroSummer2011.html , access date [give access date].
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